Lesson 2. Google Search

Google Search is a web search engine, a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used for finding websites on the World Wide Web. Google is considered the most-used search engine on the Internet, handling over three billion searches everyday.


The order of the search results is based on a priority rank system called Page Rank, which is an algorithm that ranks webpages that match a given search.  


For a business it's very important to be shown in the first resultpage and to be in a high position, so that it has more visibility for its potential customers. To do that the businesses must use a process that maximizes the number of visitors to their websites: the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).


SEO makes sure that the webpage has appropriate title tags, the content is high-quality and it's grammatically correct, in order that Google finds it relevant for the user's search.  Other strategy is the link building, that means to have inbound links to the webpage, guest blogging (publish work on other sites and blogs), sharing content on social media...


Putting into practice all the SEO strategies and using SEM (Search Engine Marketing) effectively, businesses will achieve a high position on Google result list, which implies that they will hace an advantage over their competitors.